How It Works

At PostPod, we’ve streamlined our process to make working with us as easy and efficient as possible. 

1. Book A Call

Schedule a 15-minute call with us for free through our website or contact form to get started. By the end of our call, you’ll have a clear understanding of how our services can benefit your podcast, including pricing details and the next steps to get started.

2. Free Trial

To give you a taste of what we can do, we offer all new clients a free trial of our editing services. Send us raw podcast footage, and we’ll work our magic to show you the potential of our editing expertise.

3. Review and Feedback

After we’ve completed the initial edit, we’ll send it back to you for review and feedback. We welcome any comments or revisions you have and will make adjustments as needed until you’re completely satisfied with the final result.

4. Ongoing Partnership

If you like working with us, we’ll move forward with a contract, typically on a monthly retainer basis. We believe in building long-term relationships with our clients, so we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Start Here

By the end of this call, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how our services can enhance your podcast, including insights into pricing structures and actionable next steps to initiate the process.